What I really mean is The Generosity of New Friends!
There are so many nice people in this world, and now I know three more of them–Sheri, Regena and Jodi! Here they are with my “old” friends Connie and Robin.

I’d met Sheri and Regena oh-so-briefly when they came to the final Anna Lena sale, and I knew Jodi from her blog. After my recent post about the apron program at Pomeroy House, Sheri emailed to tell me about a stack of aprons she had that had belonged to a friend, and I said, “Oh, I’d love to see them.” That led to a visit yesterday from Sheri and the two others. I was quite excited–a day of looking at old aprons and making new friends! What could be better? Well, sharing it with Connie and Robin seemed like a good idea, too!
I promised to make lunch, and the girls arrived just before noon. It was fun to set a fall table.

I couldn’t believe that Sid’s Market still had strawberries, and they were nice ones, so I figured one more strawberry whipped cream cake was in order–probably the last one of the season.

But then, to my surprise, I discovered they had each brought me a gift!

Regena brought me her world famous chocolate chip cookies. They are absolutely delicious and I’m wondering if I should hide them from Bob!

Now, amazingly, Sheri brought me a giant bag of vintage aprons. The aprons I thought I was just going to have a look at–she gave them to me! There were so many of them–more than two dozen. And they were all different styles and eras. Well, here, have a look!
There’s this wonderful aqua and orange one set off with the black panel in the middle.

And check out this vintage organza one that has a fancy hankie in the front.

And I love the patchwork style apron. One of the fabrics is a novelty print with pianos and musical notes on it!

Every apron collection should have a gingham apron in it–and this one did–an aqua one!

It was decorated with ric rack–and the way the ric rack was stitched down was so adorable.

And here’s a pretty pink floral.

Do you remember cobbler’s aprons? I do. When I was a teenager working at my dad’s grocery store, I had to wear on everyday!

And look at this bib apron. It has gathers over the hips. Not the area I usually want to accentuate!

The print in this little pink number was sooooo cute–and the double rows or ric rack were sweet.

This bib style just says “grandma” to me. The print was very pretty, but you could see by looking in the pocket how much it has faded from the original brightness.

Don’t you love the red and aqua print in this one?

The red insets in the side of this one made it look classy!

This one still has its tag attached–look by the left pocket.

This bib apron was made from quite a complicated pattern.

And this circle apron had a scalloped bottom edge. Why didn’t I think of that for my Saucy Circle Apron!?!

Simple but classy.

There were lots more, and I love them all!
And, last but not least, I opened the bag from Jodi. Inside was this adorable house wall hanging! Of course the colors are perfect for my studio!

It was a delightful day. Thanks, ladies!