Our Last Chance Blow Out Sale
I was overwhelmed by the numbers of people who came to our sale. And such patient people they were! Just the week before I was teaching a class for the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild at their retreat. Celinda was telling me that she’d been to a sale in Portland and how inefficient they had been at cutting and ringing, and how people had waited hours. I assured her that I was well prepared for our sale, and that “efficiency” was my middle name. Celinda, I owe you a public apology! I know some people waited an hour, even though we had three cutting stations set up, and my dear cousins and Gail worked at top speed, non-stop. There were no potty breaks, don’t even think about lunch! We did each get a bottle of water. I ran the cash register. Dang that credit card machine is slow! We opened at 11:00 and the first time I lifted my head to ask what time it was (we sold the clock first thing!) my mom said, “It’s ten minutes until 4:00!”
Here’s a pic of the ever patient Celinda!
Everyone does loves a bargain! This little cutie is saying, “Look at all this fabric my mom is buying. I just want this one little bolt! Please……”
So, the store is closed for good. Things didn’t work out like I’d planned, and I’m sorry no one is opening a shop in our old building. But I’m glad we moved so much inventory during our final weekend! Now, on to other things!